Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Posted by: Dan Oster
Industrial Specialist
775 336 4665
 As a member of the Industrial Properties Group, Dan has participated in the sales and leasing of a wide variety of Industrial properties from 1,000 to 700,000 sqft in Northern Nevada. Dan's primary goal is to provide unsurpassed customer service to the clients he represents.

Observation #3: Lower Cost of Living

It's lunch time, and you visit a local eatery. You're a little shocked to see a $40 tab for a table of 4!

The data supports the cost-of-living advantage in NV. Sperling's Best Places makes side-by-side comparisons of over 100 different common expenses in over 100 US cities. Reno workers make 7% less for the same job as they do in L.A., but it cost 27% less to live here. The cost of home ownership is 46% cheaper. We hear it over and over from employees. They moved to Nevada with their company because they could afford to own a home here instead of only renting in CA.

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