Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Posted by: Dan Oster
Industrial Specialist
775 336 4665
 As a member of the Industrial Properties Group, Dan has participated in the sales and leasing of a wide variety of Industrial properties from 1,000 to 700,000 sqft in Northern Nevada. Dan's primary goal is to provide unsurpassed customer service to the clients he represents.

So it's the end of the day. Your drive home is a quick one, so I'll wrap this up quickly.

When we account for transportation savings, real estate savings, tan savings, and employee savings, our hypothetical company is 16% more profitable after moving to Reno. Try adding 16% to the bottom line from the Supply Chain. This move was a game changer.

Your company makes more money, you take home more of the money you make, it costs you less to live here, you can afford a house, and you spend less time in traffic. You're pretty glad you moved your company to Reno- imagine that!

Contact NAI Alliance at 775.336.4600 for all your commercial lease needs.

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